Subscriptions and Product Sales

Escape the Time-for-Money Trap with Subscriptions and Product Sales

September 12, 202410 min read

Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki? The Hawaiian-born author of the bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad made a splash with his new perspective on money and entrepreneurship. His main message really speaks to anyone who's gone from being an employee to being an entrepreneur.

What was Kiyosaki's main insight? It's not enough to just stop working for someone else. The real goal is to stop trading time for money. In his famous Cash Flow Quadrant, he explains that even self-employed individuals are still stuck in the "time-for-money" loop, with no leverage.

The key to true freedom is becoming a business owner or investor. This way, you can let your income flow in without having to be directly involved. For small business owners, selling subscriptions and products online is the perfect way to break free from that trap.

We'll look at why it's so important to make the most of your time with these strategies, the disadvantages of sticking with the old way of doing things, and how tools like SmallBizTurbo can help you on your way to passive income.

Why Is It Important to Generate Leverage for Your Own Time?

A lot of small business owners get their start because they're passionate and dedicated. Chances are, you're no different. You've built your business from the ground up, putting in long hours and working hard to keep your clients happy. As your business grows, you might realize that you only have so many hours in the day. There's a limit to how much you can earn because there's a limit to how much time you can work. This is where leverage becomes really important.

Leverage lets you separate your time from your income. Instead of working harder and longer for every sale, you set up systems that work for you. Subscriptions and online product sales are a great way to gain this leverage. Let's break that down.

A subscription model is a great way to get a steady stream of income. This means customers pay you once a month or once a year for access to a product or service, without having to make a new transaction each time.

Think of businesses that offer software licenses, curated product boxes, or digital memberships. Once a customer signs up, you've got a steady stream of income without having to pitch and close a new sale each time.

Selling products through an online store has similar advantages. With an automated sales platform, you can sell products to customers 24/7, even when you're not actively managing the business. Your customers can shop at their convenience, and your store generates income without you having to be there to facilitate the sale.

By setting up automation through tools like SmallBizTurbo, you can make the whole process even more efficient, handling everything from payments to shipping.

What makes these models so special is that they can be scaled up easily. Once you've got the systems set up, your income potential is limitless - it's not just about your own working hours. No matter if you're selling access to your expertise through a subscription or physical products through an online store, you can reach more customers without adding to your workload.

Leveraging subscriptions and product sales is what turns a small business from a daily grind into a machine that can run smoothly without constant oversight. It's a total change in how you think about growing your business.

The Drawbacks of Not Gaining Leverage

If you keep trading time for money, you might run into some pretty big problems. First and foremost, there's the issue of burnout. It's easy to work long hours in the hope of keeping your business afloat, especially if you feel the pressure to keep your customers happy and your income up at the same time.

This approach isn't sustainable, though. If you don't use leverage, your business growth will always depend on your personal energy and time, which are both limited resources.

Let's say you offer one-on-one services, like consulting or coaching. You might find that you're always trying to fill your schedule and get new clients. But at the end of the day, your income is limited by the number of hours you can work.

When you've got your schedule full to the brim, it can feel like you're on a treadmill that never stops. As soon as you take a break, your income slows down or even stops.

Another downside is that it's not easy to scale up. If you're the only one running the show, your business is going to have a hard time growing. You can only serve a certain number of customers, and even if demand increases, you may find yourself unable to take advantage of the opportunity because you're already stretched thin.

This means you might miss out on potential income and growth simply because you're already maxed out on time and attention.

Plus, without leverage, your business might have a hard time creating consistent and predictable revenue streams. If your income goes up and down a lot depending on how many clients you can serve in any given month, it can be tough to plan for the future or invest in growth opportunities. Not knowing how much money you'll make from month to month can really take a toll on your stress levels and financial security, making it tough to take the next step.

At the end of the day, businesses that don't make the most of their time and resources might find themselves stuck in a cycle of stagnation, with little room to expand, innovate, or even take a break. If you're always tied to the business, it's tough to enjoy the flexibility and freedom that entrepreneurship should offer.

What Can We Do to Gain Leverage and Pave the Way to Passive Income?

Now that we've gone over the issues, let's talk about how we can fix them. What can you do to gain leverage in your small business? It all starts with adopting business models that work for you, not the other way around. Subscriptions and product sales are two great ways to build passive income streams, and the good news is that modern technology makes it easier than ever to implement these strategies.

Develop Subscriptions

Subscriptions are a great way to gain leverage because they bring in money on a regular basis and help you build long-term relationships with your customers. The idea is pretty straightforward: offer something valuable that customers want to access regularly. This could be anything from digital content and educational courses to recurring services or exclusive deals on physical products. Think about what your customers need on an ongoing basis, then put together a subscription package that meets those needs.

Let's look at an example from SmallBizTurbo. Let's say you're running an auto detailing business. Instead of waiting for customers to book services one at a time, you could offer a subscription plan where clients pay monthly for regular detailing appointments. This makes things easier for your customers while giving you a steady income.

With tools like SmallBizTurbo's subscription management system, you can easily automate the whole process—from sign-up to payment processing to service delivery. The great thing about this system is that you don't have to chase customers for each new sale. Once they're signed up, they stay enrolled, and you collect regular payments with minimal effort.

Another way to gain leverage is by selling products online. When you sell physical or digital products, you're not constrained by geography or the hours in the day. An online store lets you reach customers all over the world. With the right automation tools, you can make it easy for customers to buy from you.

Sell from an Online Store

Setting up an online store through platforms like SmallBizTurbo lets you handle product listings, payments, and fulfillment automatically. Your customers can browse your offerings, place orders, and receive their products without you having to lift a finger. It doesn't matter what you're selling—fitness equipment, beauty products, or downloadable e-books—the potential for passive income is huge.

Automate Marketing

To keep your customers engaged and make sure your business keeps growing, you need to set up marketing systems that don't require you to keep an eye on them all the time. For instance, automated email marketing can help you stay in touch with customers and encourage repeat purchases. With tools like GoHighLevel, you can create targeted email campaigns that run in the background, nurturing leads and driving sales without any manual effort.

Picture this: a system that automatically follows up with customers after a purchase, recommends related products, or offers them special discounts for subscribing to your service. These little things can really make a big difference in keeping customers happy and bringing in revenue over time.

Track Results

To really gain leverage and pave the way to passive income, you need to track your results and tweak your strategy over time. The data you get from platforms like SmallBizTurbo lets you see which products or services are doing well, which customers are most likely to convert, and where you might need to make adjustments.

This data-driven approach makes sure your efforts are always focused on the most profitable areas of your business, so you can scale without spreading yourself too thin. As you get to know your customers better, you can make changes to your subscription offerings, introduce new products, and improve your marketing campaigns to get even better results.

What Would It Be Like to Have a Business with Leverage?

Picture this: You wake up to find you've made sales overnight while you were sleeping. Your inbox is full of new subscribers, and you know that your monthly income is steady and reliable. You're not racing to fill your schedule or chasing from one task to the next. Instead, you have the time and mental space to focus on growth and innovation.

With leverage, you can finally enjoy the freedom that comes with being a business owner. You're not stuck at your desk or limited by the hours you can work in a day. Your business is running smoothly in the background, creating income streams that let you step back, take a break, and explore new opportunities.

For your customers, it's a smooth and satisfying experience. They love the convenience of subscription services, knowing they can count on you for regular value. They love the ease of shopping in your online store, where products are delivered quickly and efficiently. This makes them more likely to stick with your business and recommend it to others.

This is the power of leverage - it lets you build a business that works for you, not one that just takes up your time and energy.

Five-Point Action Plan

1. Think about ways you could offer subscription services in your business.

2. Set up an online store so you can sell your products all over the world.

3. Make your marketing systems work for you by keeping customers engaged.

4. Use data to make your efforts as effective as possible and to grow your business.

5. Make sure you focus on building long-term customer relationships, because that's how you'll get a steady stream of income.

Where you are today can make a big difference in how long it takes to reach your goal of generating passive income. But don't worry, it's totally doable, and this action plan provides a simple yet effective roadmap. And don't forget, even small steps are better than doing nothing. Just get started and you'll see everything fall into place.

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Subscriptionspassive incomeonline product salesbusiness leverageautomation
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Fred Renoth

Fred is an entrepreneur and nature lover. He has his roots in the mountains of Bavaria/Germany, under the postcard mountain Watzmann. As Chatbo CEO, he contributes to the team in consulting, marketing and sales.

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